Why You Should Use Instagram Carousel Posts and 5 Creative Post Ideas
If you’re looking to increase your engagement on Instagram than adding more carousel posts is a great way to boost engagement. Why? Because more time is spent on your posts because there is more content to consume AND it’s common for carousel posts to appear in the feed more than once with a different slide appearing every time.
Here are 5 carousel post ideas to help you get creative. Test each of these content ideas to see which one your audience responds to most.
1) Share Educational Content. You can share long-form text in the caption of the post but sharing it in a carousel post is more eye-catching. Try to highlight a few facts that stand out using simple graphics.
2) Introduce a new offer. Use the first slide to grab your audience’s attention and use the remaining 9 slides to build up to your offer.
3) Use engagement prompts. Give your audience a reason to swipe through your carousel posts. For example, use “Swipe to find out more” or “Swipe for a surprise.” It may seem obvious, but it’s effective!
4) Promote your latest blog post or podcast episode. Work smarter and not harder and repurpose your content. For example, if you have a blog post, create text image teasers and then send them to your link in bio to read more.
5) Showcase your work. Are you a creative entrepreneur who creates logos and designs web pages? Showcase your latest work in a carousel post.
Need more content ideas? Click here to download my Social Media Content Workbook.