How to create Instagram content with ease?
Do you feel like you have no time to create content for Instagram? I know sometimes it can feel overwhelming to create content during our busy schedules.
It shouldn't feel that way! What's helped me is finding a day and time when I feel the most creative and batch all of posts at one time.
Here are some helpful tips to help you create content with ease:
Find the time / day of the week when you’re most creative. Writing content will resonate a lot better with your audience when you have time to think about your posts and not create a post just to have a new post.
Prep all of your images. This includes editing your photos and creating any graphics that you want to use. Next, upload all of the images that you want to use for Instagram into a scheduling tool. I’ve been loving the Preview App so I can visually see how my feed will look.
Write your captions. You should be creating content that will help you connect, engage and build your authority. Write down 3 - 5 main topics you want to focus your content on. When you know what type of content you want to post, it will be a lot easier to write.
Schedule your posts. This part saves so much time! Once you schedule your posts, you won't have to worry about it and you can focus on other parts of your business!